Antsomi co-founder and CEO, Serm Teck Choon, was invited to moderate a webinar with the amazing panelists, including Charles Gregory, Nina Sharil Khan, and Tze Khay Voon, with the topic of “Digital Marketing Trends Post COVID-19” at the 5th Selangor Smart City & Digital Economy Convention 2020.
The three key takeaways of the panel discussion are:
1. Digital marketing will continually play a vital role in your marketing plan, especially on how to help you grow your business, at this very different time.
2. When you think about digital marketing, don’t just think about spending ad budget on certain media and platforms. You need to develop a proper data strategy – understand your customers’ needs is the key to unlock the opportunities.
3. Digital marketing evolves very fast. The new and emerging channels come and go. The key is to keep engaging with your audience and customers, leveraging on current and upcoming platforms. Keep learning and keep experimenting!
Special thanks to Selangor Information Technology and E-Commerce Council (SITEC) and Kai Ping Yong for the invitation!
If you missed the FB Live or Youtube Live, you could watch it below. The panel discussion starts at 6:01:40 till 6:51:15:
You can also watch it via Facebook. The panel discussion starts at 5:54:00 till 6:43:30: