
Bangkok, Thailand July 16, 2024 — Antsomi, a regional marketing technology company, is excited to announce the launch of Antsomi CDP 365 on LINE OA, its innovative solution designed for marketing on top of the LINE messaging platform via brands’ LINE Official Account (OA) in the Thai market. This strategic launch is in collaboration with […]

We had a great launch Antsomi (https://antsomi.com) announcement last week! Thanks to 20+ media in the region reported our launch. We couldn’t have done this without the support of our great friends in the various media. A BIG THANK YOU to all of you! The journey has just started, and next is to show you how Antsomi […]

Serm Teck Choon, former country head of CtrlShift Malaysia, has co-founded an AI-driven martech company known as Antsomi, alongside executive chairman and co-founder Dinh Le Dat (pictured right). Serm (pictured left) serves as CEO and co-founder of Antsomi, which is headquartered in Singapore. The company also has offices in Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam. Its mission is […]

Meet Antsomi’s CDP 365 – an artificial intelligence-enabled marketing technology software that empowers everyday businesses to understand each of their individual customers’ profiles at scale. The software is the first of its kind developed out of Southeast Asia. Antsomi is a marketing technology company serving businesses globally and the launch of CDP 365 is to […]

Halfway around the world, Singapore-based Antsomi launched CDP 365. They offer AI-based identity resolution, predictive models, and omnichannel marketing campaigns. The CDP is based on data analysis products that Antsomi has been selling since 2017. Source: https://www.cdpinstitute.org/newsletter/Blog1188/06-05-20-CustomerLabs-Launches-No-Code-CDP-for-SMB

Based in Singapore, AI-enabled customer data platform Antsomi CDP 365 has launched an AI-driven marketing technology to assist businesses to transform into data-driven companies. Antsomi was founded by former Malaysian Digital Association president and CtrlShift Malaysia head Serm Teck Choon and a Vietnamese technopreneur and the founder of digital company Ants Programmatic, Dinh Le Dat. […]

Antsomi 联合创办人达特(右)和孙德俊(左)开发Antsomi CDP 365 的构想,源自于他们对数据应用可以帮助企业转型的信念。 (吉隆坡3日讯)希望通过了解其客户数据以提升客户体验的企业,现在可以通过Antsomi CDP 365 此软件来实现此一目标;Antsomi CDP 365是由区域性营销科技(Marketing Technology)公司Antsomi开发的首个东南亚客户数据平台(Customer Data Platform)。 Antsomi CDP 365是一款由人工智能驱动的营销科技软件,可处理和连接企业的各种客户相关数据,并进行分析以了解客户的资料与喜好,然后通过线上和线下的方式,让企业可以一年365 天,以多种不同渠道向其客户推送个人化的营销活动。 Antsomi CDP 365使用其人工智能引擎,连接来自多个数据源(例如手机、网络、社交媒体、客户关系管理系统CRM、数据管理系统DMP、销售系统POS 与线下渠道等)的客户数据,以形成对客户的全方位认知;然后以高度个性化的渠道,通过手机、网站、电子邮件、网络对话、数码广告与零售据点等,与客户对接,进行激活活动,如产品推荐或一对一互动。 Antsomi联合创办人达特和孙德俊创办该公司和开发Antsomi CDP 365的构想,源自于他们对数据应用可以帮助企业转型的信念。 来自越南的达特,是一位科技创业家。 于今年四月卸下CtrlShift马来西亚总监一职的孙德俊,是数码广告业界的资深人士;他曾于2016至2020年期间,担任了两届的马来西亚数码协会(MDA)主席。 Antsomi执行主席兼联合创办人达特说:“数据是21世纪的石油。在数码经济中,数据在企业的营运上扮演着重要的角色。因此,企业应该善用科技,具备解码数据的能力,以了解客户间的细微差距,和他们在不同周期的消费行为。通过对数据的连接和分析,企业可针对该数据采取行动,于多个渠道进行无缝接的激活活动。 ” 担任Antsomi首席执行员兼联合创办人的孙德俊说:“在今天的数码世界,企业从多个源头收集了大量的客户数据。如果没有利用适当的技术来连接和分析这些信息,该些数据将会日益庞大,分析起来费时费力,并且无法用于驱动企业期望得到的商业结果。” Source: https://www.sinchew.com.my/content/content_2282882.html

KUALA LUMPUR: Perniagaan dan pengusaha yang ingin memahami dan mentafsir data pelanggan untuk memberikan pengalaman berinteraksi yang lebih baik boleh melakukannya dengan Antsomi CDP 365, perisian Platform Pengurusan Data Pelanggan (CDP) pertama di Asia Tenggara. Ia dibangunkan oleh Antsomi, sebuah syarikat teknologi pemasaran yang memberi perkhidmatan di peringkat global. Antsomi CDP 365 adalah perisian teknologi […]