
On 8th Oct 2023, Antsomi’s co-founder & CEO Serm Teck Choon shared the stage with Ir Professor Dato’ Ewe Hong Tat, the president of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), and Prof. Dr. Mok Soon Chong, the Vice-Chancellor of New Era University College, in the AI forum held by Malaysia’s leading Chinese newspaper, Sin Chew Daily. In […]

Antsomi’s co-founder & CEO Serm Teck Choon was invited by Chartered Secretaries Malaysia (MAICSA) to share his view on digital transformation in its annual conference held on 4-5 Oct 2023 at Kuala Lumpur. Serm shared the stage with Ang Boon Chow (BC Ang) and Stacia Lim in the panel discussion moderated by Carol Fung from Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). […]

Malaysia’s EduRISE invited our co-founder & CEO, Serm Teck Choon, as a guest speaker for their inaugural Edupreneur Summit 2023 held in Kuala Lumpur on 1 Oct 2023. Serm shared with the 120+ business owners and professionals from the education sector who attended the conference how they should leverage data to grow their businesses and […]

Antsomi’s co-founder & CEO, Serm Teck Choon, was invited by DAAT Day 2023 as a guest speaker to present a session titled “How Customer Data Platform Empowers Brands with AI-driven Personalisation & Marketing Automation” alongside Russell Conrad, Founder & Managing Director of Audience IQ, on 31st August 2023. DAAT Day is one of the largest […]

Singapore, 22 August 2023 – The Southeast Asia-based marketing technology company, Antsomi, is pleased to announce that D.A.Consortium Inc. (DAC), a leading digital advertising and marketing company, has made a strategic investment in Antsomi. This investment marks a significant milestone in the partnership between Antsomi and DAC, positioning DAC as a regional reseller of Antsomi’s […]

In Astro AEC Season 6 of “Astro Business Talk,” Antsomi’s co-founder & CEO was once again invited to be a guest and participated in the recording of two episodes, and discussed the following topics:  The AI boom is here. Does your boss still need you? (to be aired on 9th Jul 2023)  The rise of […]

As technology continues to evolve and consumer behaviour continues to change, how can brands break out of the red ocean and explore new opportunities? How to accurately reach the target audience and retain them as loyal customers? The Petal Ads Summit 2023 by Huawei invited Antsomi’s co-founder & CEO, Serm Teck Choon, as a panelist […]